The Painting Elves

The Painting Elves

It was wintertime and the world was feeling dull. It needed a good spring clean and all the colour elves were getting ready with their paints to brighten it up.

"I can't wait to start painting," said the Yellow Elf. "I'm going to paint the sun yellow."

"I can't wait to start painting," said the Green Elf. "I'm going to paint the grass green."

"And I can't wait to start painting" said the Red Elf. "I'm going to paint the flowers red."

"I'm not going to paint anything," said the Blue Elf, who was very grumpy.

"I'm just going to stay in bed all day!"

The Yellow Elf took her paintbrush and painted the sun yellow.

It shone and shone.

The Green Elf took his paintbrush and painted the grass green. It waved in the sunshine.
